Designers and marketers know just how costly any type of print mistake can be. Since advertising and marketing print projects often comprise up to 90 percent of total production costs, there’s no room for errors.
Since mistakes can devastate a budget and ruin a project, there are a lot of checks and balances in place before a large-sale project moves to production print. Checking colors, mediums, and print methods are all part of the process.
Moving Out or In
For a long time, the cost of production printers made it cost-prohibitive for design firms to produce specific projects in-house. When designers send out a project to a print house, although they remained involved, they moved from a management role to an oversight role. When working so closely on a project, it can be challenging to relinquish such control.
Now that production printers are more affordable and offer better quality; should marketing agencies and design firms continue to outsource their production print? Or is it time to move this process in-house for better control and more cost savings?
Device Differences
Not only have devices significantly improved but so has the required software. Now, the software that is used, setup, configured, and calibrated to devices is more user-friendly than ever. This makes sending an intricate design to a wide format production printer as easy as pressing send. With the possibility of in-house production, agencies can increase revenue and reduce expense while maintaining greater oversight of projects.
Modern MFPs and wide format printers offer even more options for tackling a wide range of jobs. Not only are these printers efficient, but they are also reliable and consistent on a wide range of media. With corresponding software updates, moving creative jobs in-house is more financially viable than ever.
Managing Print
Another advantage of moving production print in-house? Combining it with managed print services for a cost-effective solution that includes maintenance, service, supplies, and more. Besides the cost of the printer itself, the TCO can often be prohibitive. However, with managed print, you can get the best option for your budget and one monthly bill that includes everything.
Whether you are looking to move your production print in-house, or want to save some money with managed print services, we are the partner that can make it happen!