Managed print is one of the services that creates savings for businesses in the simplest places. The ROI on an expensive print situation is…well, not high at all.
However, investing in a managed print program means that your business can save approximately 30% on print expenses and use that money for something more substantial.
This is especially relevant in educational institutions, where savings can equal more supplies and better resources for students. If saving on print would help your school, read on for more, and let's talk.
Education Needs Efficient Solutions
Efficiency in schools is critical. While this means managing costs and investments well, it also means finding the most efficient solution for large expenses.
For print, this solution is a managed print service. Managed print takes away all of the time consuming, frustrating aspects of printing that cost money and reduce productivity.
For example, your service will start by completing a print audit and discovery to evaluate savings, policy, and functionality fully.
Next, they'll implement cost-saving solutions, manage supply orders, and track all the savings. This saves productive time, making your staff more efficient and happier. You'll wonder why your school didn't invest in managed print sooner!
How to Implement Management Print
Getting started with managed print is easy. Do a little research to see what offerings are, ask teachers, faculty, and staff what would work better for your school, and get in touch with teams that would be a good match.
Check in to see how many printers you have, and ask around about how they are used. You'll start to see some of the print waste, and it will be apparent that managed print is the answer for you.
Savings for Schools
See more savings with managed print, and use the cost-cutting to invest in more educational resources. The answer really can be that easy – let's talk!