With all of the recent discussion of going paperless, many businesses have discovered that it is not the most realistic business approach. The latest trend, according to Forbes, is “paper light.”
Since getting rid of paper in your office is nearly impossible, using a smarter, more strategic approach to managing it is the way to go. Enter managed print and savings — the ideal path to a paper light office.
The Financial Burden
Putting aside the astronomical environmental impact that paper has on the planet — the third largest industrial polluter of air, water, and soil (Forbes) — paper is costly. And, small- to medium-sized businesses are feeling that impact the most.
For most companies, implementing a managed print and savings program can have far-reaching financial benefits. In fact, implementing MPS saves most businesses up to 30 percent of their print costs, amongst many other positive impacts.
Storing paper files can be a costly endeavor for any business, but even more so for smaller enterprises with budget and space constraints. Digitizing your paper files will cut expenditures and improve workflows.
Taking Positive Steps
When undertaking a managed print and savings project, a print audit is a great starting point.
Performing an audit can help:
- Reveal how much money you are spending on print, plus identify low-hanging fruit that can be cut
- Determine how many different devices you have — in use or collecting dust — and streamline your print fleet.
- Pinpoint areas from workflow improvement and overall efficiency upgrades.
- And much more.
Benefits and Savings
The advantage of managed print services is that it streamlines your overall print processes — consolidating devices and resources, increasing productivity, and reducing print-related expenses.
And, within this big picture, there are additional, specific benefits that will help improve workflows and reduce print waste. By tightening up your print practices, you are on your way to a paper light office — saving time, money, and resources. [Learn more](https://www.hgitechnologies.com/contact-us/