Would you like to reduce or eliminate your company's need for paper-based business processes? Here's how PSIGEN's PSIsafe capture and content management solutions can help you reach your goals.
1. Move everything to a secure digital storage repository — No matter what kind of documents your team creates or what comes through the door from suppliers and customers, you can capture and route it to a centralized digital repository. Whether documents are created in digital formats or arrive as hard copies, capturing and converting them to digital formats eliminates the cost and obstacles caused by paper-based processes.
2. Experience streamlined content management — With PSIGEN Software, a streamlined content management system allows users to do more than merely keep track of documents. Users can view documents, make edits, and organize information in customized folder structures. This type of digital content management system saves time, reduces errors, and helps organizations meet document retention policies established by compliance laws.
3. Enhance document security — PSIsafe advanced content management software helps organizations meet compliance laws and increase document security. While every document is stored in the content management system, not every document is accessible by every user.
- System administrators can keep track of logins, receive alerts when a user changes a password, or creates or destroys a document.
- Role-based access controls allow administrators to place restrictions on who can access specific documents and folders.
- Audit trails provide proof of each activity.
4. Reduce time spent searching for information — Improve productivity throughout your company by eliminating traditional document storage solutions. Use PSIGEN's digital capture and content management solution to find any document in seconds. Users enter relevant information in a search field to instantly pull up requested folders or documents. The solution allows for improved customer service and streamlines internal processes.
To learn more about document capture and content management, contact us at HGi Technologies today!